Academic Personnel Scientists & Academic Federation

Lorraine Hwang
Academic Coordinator for CIG
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology (1990)
2215 Earth & Physical Sci | 530-752-3656
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG)
Seismology, geologic carbon sequestration and induced seismicity.

Ann Russell
Associate Research Scientist, retired on recall
Ph.D., University of Washington (1994)
2211 Earth & Physical Sci | 530-752-3311
Paleoceanography and chemical oceanography. Dr. Russell's research focuses on development and application of geochemical tracers of changes in ocean chemistry, including metals and stable isotopes in foraminiferal shells, and redox-sensitive metals in bulk sediments. Ann uses these geochemical tracers to reconstruct changes in ocean temperature, carbon chemistry, and redox environment from deep-sea sediment cores.

Arushi Saxena
Assistant Project Scientist for CIG
Ph.D., University of Memphis (2020)
2215 Earth & Physical Sci | 530-752-2889
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
Geophysicist and geodynamicist. I am interested in investigating the coupling between deeper mantle flow and observed surface tectonics. For my research, I develop global and regional-scale numerical models that combine available geophysical constraints. I am also interested in developing tools for online visualizations of geodynamic models that can be shared within the scientific community.

Peter Thy
Project Scientist
Ph.D., University of Aarhus (1982)
2234 Earth & Physical Sci | 530-752-1802
Igneous petrology of gabbros and basalts. Detailed petrographic, mineralogical and chemical studies to understand petrogenesis and crystallization. Current research includes gabbroic intrusions and plateau basalts of the North Atlantic province (Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland, Iceland). Ocean gabbros and crustal formation (Indian Ocean). Ophiolites (Cyprus and Turkey). Formation of ash and slag in biomass-fueled power plants.