Graduate Advisors

Students on an incline.

Graduate Program Committee. This committee consists of 4 people, 2 of which are also graduate advisors. They handle almost all graduate affairs on behalf of the Earth and Planetary Sciences Graduate Program (EPSGP). These 4 people also serve as the admissions committee.

Graduate Advisors. There are three graduate advisors in the Earth and Planetary Sciences department, each with about 1/2 of the current graduate students as their primary advisees. The graduate advisors handle progress meetings and sign forms for their advisees. Students can view their graduate advisor assignment on EPSInfo.

Chair of the Earth and Planetary Sciences Graduate Program and Chair of Admission | Michael Oskin
In charge of continuing student matters; assigns TAs; and handles new student orientation, student evaluations. Handles forms/petitions for special circumstances (e.g., PELP, Filing Fee), and is back-up for the other graduate advisors if they are not available.

Fellowships and Educational Policy Chair | Sarah Stewart
Coordinates with UG Committee on course assignments; oversees various department and university fellowship related matters; and consults with Graduate Chair on use and awarding of internal fellowship funds; recommends/advises policy changes for graduate curriculum and fellowships.

Recruitment and Student Success | Mike Oskin
Oversees recruitment weekend; takes lead on improving recruitment of graduate students (coordinates with ARAC on DEI related issues); takes lead on improving the graduate student experience post-recruitment to graduation.

Faculty Advisor(s), (also known as Faculty Mentor, Thesis/Dissertation Advisor, Major Professor). The Faculty Advisor is the faculty member who provides the primary supervision and guidance of the student in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Graduate Program. They serve as the chair of the Thesis/Dissertation Committee. The Faculty Advisor is expected to meet regularly with the student throughout the year. A list of potential thesis advisors in the EPS Graduate Program.

Graduate Program Coordinator | Mandy Rousseau (room 2119).
She manages administrative and policy matters, forms and petitions, and Graduate Student employment. Submit all forms and petitions to the Graduate Program Coordinator for forwarding to Graduate Studies. Email, drop in to room 2119, or make an appointment to meet with her.

Committees. All graduate program committees are detailed in Earth and Planetary Sciences Ph.D. and M.S. Degree Requirements, section 6:

  • The Admission Committee reviews graduate program applications and makes recommendations for admission to the Dean of Graduate Studies.
  • The Course Guidance and Advising Committee consists of two Graduate Advisors, and administers the Introductory Meeting, Continuing Student Meeting, and Mid-Year Meeting with students.
  • The Prospectus Committee meets with first-year students to review their prospectus.
  • The Qualifying Exam Committee administers the Qualifying Exam to second-year PhD students.
  • The Thesis/Dissertation Committee aka Annual Advisory Committee consists of the student’s Faculty Advisor and two additional members and is responsible for approving the final version of the student’s thesis as well as administering the Annual Advisory Meeting.

For the regulations on who is eligible to serve on a Thesis or Dissertation committee, see the Policy on Service on Advanced Degree Committees and Earth and Planetary Sciences Graduate Program Bylaws. Qualifying Exam committee membership is governed by the Graduate Council Policy on Doctoral Qualifying Examinations (GC2005-02).