Graduate Student Mentorship
The Mentoring Guidelines followed in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Graduate Program are the same as those presented in the Grad Council Mentoring Guidelines document.
Failure to meet specified program deadlines, as determined at the Continuing Student Meetings with the Graduate Advisors in January, will result in the student being placed on departmental probation for funding, potentially jeopardizing future financial support. The student will receive a warning that is also forwarded to the advisor and to the Office of Graduate Studies. If not addressed, this could lead to a designation of unsatisfactory progress, resulting in a letter from the Dean of Graduate Studies placed in the student’s file.
The responsibility for completing these tasks lies with the graduate student, in consultation with his/her Faculty Advisor. It is the responsibility of the Graduate Advisors to assess whether specified program deadlines have been met.
Students are advised to talk to their Faculty Advisor regularly. It is the responsibility of the Faculty Advisor to advise; it is the student’s responsibility to seek advice when needed. Clear communication is essential to success in graduate school.
Graduate Student Resources
Clubs and Organizations
All students are encouraged to check out the department’s many clubs and organizations.
- Graduate Studies: Graduate Student Resource Guide