Robert Campbell, B.S. ’89
GeoSolve, Inc. – President & Principal Engineering Geologist
Robert Campbell, M.S., PG, CEG has been working as an engineering and environmental geologist for over 30 years. His professional work has focused on evaluating environmental impacts and associated risks, implementing alternative remedial technologies to mitigate environmental concerns, including Brownfield redevelopment, geochemical evaluation of soil and groundwater; geologic and seismic hazard assessments, fault and landslide investigations and hydrogeological investigations related to seepage evaluations and groundwater production well design and performance. Campbell currently owns and operates GeoSolve, Incorporated, a Sierra Nevada foothills and bay-area based consulting firm providing solution-oriented services for environmental, geological, and hydrogeological projects.
Campbell is a proud graduate of UC Davis. He accredits his success as a geological consultant to his former mentors and UC Davis faculty members, Dr. Eldridge Moores and Dr. Robert Matthews. In their honor, Mr. Campbell is a dedicated volunteer with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, where he is committed to the intentional mentoring of students in developing specific technical skills, business acumen and savvy not taught in college today for geoscience majors.
Ivan Carabajal, B.S. ’13
Current Ph.D. Student at University of Cincinnati
Ivan Carabajal is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Education at the University of Cincinnati and is being supported by the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program. His research focuses on enhancing access and inclusion in the geosciences by understanding and developing teaching practices that support the needs of students with physical and sensory disabilities. A former participant in both the Geological Society of America’s Mosaics in Science and Geoscientist-in-the-parks programs, Ivan draws on his past experiences in geoscience outreach and teaching to develop new ways of instruction that benefit all learners. Currently, Carabajal serves on the Executive Committee of the International Association for Geoscience Diversity (, a non-profit organization that advocates for improved access to the geoscience disciplines for students and geoscientists with disabilities.

Marjorie Chan, B.S. ’77
Distinguished Professor of Geology at the University of Utah
Marjorie Chain has been Distinguished Professor of Geology at the University of Utah, turned Emeritus in July 2024. She has had a long career of sedimentary research in the Western U.S. studying the PreCambrian to the Pleistocene, but often favoring the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone system. She is very active in service, including past service of chair of the U.S. National Committee for Geological Sciences and many roles in the Geological Society of America (GSA) plus numerous committees and boards. She has been recipient of the GSA Distinguished Service Award, GSA Sloss Award for lifetime achievements in Sedimentary Geology, and GSA Distinguished International Lectureship.
Andy Cohen, Ph.D. ’82
University of Arizona – University Distinguished Professor, Joint Professor, Geosciences and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Dr. Andy Cohen is a paleolimnologist and paleoecologist with particular interest in the ecological and climatic history of lakes in the African Rift Valley and Western North America. He uses drilling technology to obtain long cores from ancient lakes extending back millions of years and has particular interests in using lake records to provide environmental content to the evolution of humans in Africa and the evolution of endemic species in ancient lakes.
Chris Higgins, M.S. ’77
California Geological Survey, Department of Conservation – Senior Geologist
Chris Higgins graduated with a B.S. in Geology from California State University, Hayward, in 1972 and an M.S. in Geology from the University of California, Davis, in 1977. In between graduations, he also served as a meteorologist with the U.S. Naval Air Reserve. Since leaving UC Davis, Higgins has worked as a geologist with the California Geological Survey in Sacramento. His studies with the CGS have included research in mineral hazards, mineral resources and the mining industry, geothermal resources, remote-sensing applications, geographic information systems, offshore sand resources, geologic mapping, and seismology. Over the last fifteen years as a Senior Geologist (Specialist), he has developed maps and reports that address potential for mineral hazards throughout California. Higgins has also participated in many activities to help educate students and the public about the geology of the state.

Cynthia McClain, B.S. ’08
University of Alberta, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
Director, Geospatial Centre
Dr. Cynthia Mclain is a hydrogeologist and director with over 15 years of experience in government, energy industry, environmental consulting, not-for-profits and academia. While pursuing her B.S. in Geology at the University of California Davis she tailored her studies around water quality obtaining a minor in Hydrology and an emphasis in geochemistry, working as a Research Assistant in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering on the fate and transport of Hg in the Idrija River, Slovenia, and completing her Senior Honors Thesis in the Center for Watershed Sciences on Mt. Shasta springs. After graduating from UCD, Cynthia completed a M.S. in Environmental Engineering and Ph.D in Geological and Environmental Sciences from Stanford University.
She currently manages a team of ~25 scientists and technologists at a not-for-profit, the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, who work on a range of topics from wetland and algal bloom mapping, to using lidar to quantify the status of vegetation regeneration on seismic lines in woodland caribou habitat. She has also held an Adjunct Assistant Professor appointment at the University of Calgary in the Department of Earth, Energy, and Environment since 2019 where she conducts collaborative research on provincial-scale groundwater quality and environmental microbiology. In addition, she works as a Groundwater Data Advisor for the charity DataStream, providing open-access water quality data across Canada. Cynthia also serves as the Alberta Director of the International Association of Hydrogeologists- Canadian National Chapter, and in 2023 received the organization's Early Career Hydrogeologist Award. She is devoted to increasing diversity in science through mentorship, leadership and education with a focus on the retention of equity seeking groups in science.
Sierra Nelmes, B.S. ’08
Stanford - Clinical Research Coordinator
UX Research and Designer
Sierra Nelmes is a clinical research coordinator at Stanford, in addition to serving as a consultant to non-profits and government organizations on product design, design strategy, UX research, and organizational design. Published research on quantum-chemical calculations of Carbon-Isotope Fractionation in CO2 (g) Aqueous Carbonate Species, and Carbonate Minerals.
Lori L. Summa Ph.D. ’86
Rice University - Adjunct Faculty
University of Texas, Jackson School of Geosciences – Research Collaborator
Lori L. Summa is a geologist with over 30 years of experience in geoscience, basin analysis research, and petroleum-systems evaluation. Summa retired as a senior technical consultant with ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company in 2016. In this position, she advised corporate management on strategic geoscience issues to ensure appropriate research was performed in support of business objectives. She is currently an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Geosciences at Rice University and a research collaborator at the University of Texas, Jackson School of Geosciences. Her background is in basin analysis and numerical modeling, but she also has broad experience with exploration in offshore marine environments. Dr. Summa earned a B.S. in geology from the University of Rochester and a Ph.D. in geology from the University of California, Davis, in 1985.

Ken Werner, B.S. ’81
Chevron Oil and Gas Company – Hub Leader: Deepwater / Conventional
Ken Werner is a geologist with over 30 years of oil and gas experience working for Unocal and then Chevron in California, Louisiana, Texas, Indonesia, and Thailand. He has worked as an exploration geologist, development geologist, team leader, manager, and now hub leader. In his current position, he coordinates efforts to address technology challenges between 7+ Deepwater and Conventional Business Units and works to align their needs across all functions with research and development work done by the Chevron Technology Center.