Lori Summa and David Awwiller Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Geosciences
Open date: March 21, 2024
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at UC Davis invites applications for the Lori Summa and David Awwiller Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Geosciences. The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) provides a world-class, stimulating intellectual and educational environment that prioritizes people. As a community we are committed to conducting cutting-edge research in Earth and Planetary Sciences to address challenging scientific and societal problems. We seek a postdoctoral scholar who has excellent research ideas and skills to conduct a creative, impactful, and collaborative research project with the mentorship of an EPS faculty member. Research areas targeted for this application cycle include (potential mentors in parentheses): cosmochemistry and isotope geochemistry (Yin), multidisciplinary geology/geodynamics project focused on dynamics of forearc deformation in Northern California (Oskin/Billen), geospatial analysis of flood risk and other climate-driven hazards in California with a focus on research, planning, and policy applications (Pinter), time scales and rates of subvolcanic magmatic processes (Cooper), and aqueous isotope geochemistry (Atekwana). Interdisciplinary projects are encouraged. Applicants are encouraged to contact potential mentors well in advance of the application deadline to discuss project ideas and resources available to support the proposed project. The successful applicant will also have $2,000 available to them to support research activities and/or conference travel.