EPS COVID protocol

Coronavirus visit protocol for EPS students and employees

Summer Guidance for Employees and Students
As announced by Chancellor May on June 13, there will be some shifts to COVID-19 protocols for campus that will go into effect on June 24, 2022.

Protocol for EPS student and employee visits to the Earth and Physical Sciences building.

June 24, 2022

  • Daily Symptom Survey (DSS) is still required of employees.
    Employees (including student employees) must continue to take the Daily Symptom Survey before working in university-controlled facilities.

    • Before your visit: email your DSS results to gel-survey "at" ucdavis.edu.

  • COVID-19 Testing is now optional for students and employees.
    Asymptomatic testing is recommended on a voluntary basis for UC Davis students and employees, and the COVID-19 Testing Kiosk will move to a new location on July 5.

Information for Campus Visitors: If you plan to visit campus for any reason, please check with your campus contact for any special considerations or precautions for your visit. Daily Symptom Survey for Visitors.

UC Davis Information for Classroom Instruction.

UC Davis’ public health policies and requirements that all affiliates and visitors must follow, to reduce the spread of COVID-19 on property owned/leased by UC Davis.

Face Covering Requirements

UC Vaccine Policy  | For the safety and well-being of the entire UC Davis community, the UC COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate requires, with few exceptions, that all students, faculty and staff be vaccinated against the coronavirus. New students will need to be in compliance by the start of fall quarter 2022. 

UC Davis COVID-19 Dashboard

Potential Worksite Exposure Reporting (AB 685).
UC Davis will report all potential worksite exposures to COVID-19, as required by new Cal/OSHA standards (AB 685). If a qualifying individual enters a worksite and is later diagnosed with COVID-19, the information is posted to this website.

Reporting COVID-19 Concerns & Confirmed Cases

CA COVID Notify App